13 resultados para Aspergillus fumigatus Teses

em Repositório Científico do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa - Portugal


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Aspergillus fumigatus is one of the major ubiquitous saprophytic fungi and it is considered one of the fungal species with higher clinical relevance. This study aimed at characterising the prevalence of A. fumigatus complex in one waste-sorting plant and also in one incineration plant. Conventional and molecular methodologies were applied in order to detect its presence. Aspergillus fumigatus complex was the second most frequently found in the air from the waste-sorting plant (16.0%) and from the incineration plant (18.0%). Regarding surfaces, it ranked the third species most frequently found in the waste-sorting plant (13.8%) and the second in the incineration plant (22.3%). In the waste-sorting plant, it was possible to amplify by qPCR DNA from the A. fumigatus complex in all culture-positive sampling sites plus one other sampling site that was negative by culture analysis. Considering the observed fungal load, it is recommended to apply preventive and protective measures in order to avoid or minimise worker's exposure.


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Background - Aspergillus respiratory infection is a common complication in cystic fibrosis (CF) and is associated with loss of pulmonary function and allergic disease. Methods - Fifty-three Aspergillus isolates recovered from CF patients were identified to species by Internal Transcribed Spacer Region (ITS), β-tubulin, and calmodulin sequencing. Results - Three species complexes (Terrei, Nigri, and Fumigati) were found. Identification to species level gave a single Aspergillus terreus sensu stricto, one Aspergillus niger sensu stricto and 51 Aspergillus fumigatus sensu stricto isolates. No cryptic species were found. Conclusions - To our knowledge, this is the first prospective study of Aspergillus species in CF using molecular methods. The paucity of non-A. fumigatus and of cryptic species of A. fumigatus suggests a special association of A. fumigatus sensu stricto with CF airways, indicating it likely displays unique characteristics making it suitable for chronic residence in that milieu. These findings could refine an epidemiologic and therapeutic approach geared to this pathogen.


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Introduction - Within the Aspergillus genus, Aspergillus fumigatus species is one of the most ubiquitous saprophytic fungi and is considered the species with higher clinical relevance. The fungi belonging to the Fumigati section are the most common cause of invasive aspergillosis and a major source of infection related mortality in immunocompromised patients. One of the most abundant metabolites produced by Aspergillus fumigatus is the metabolite gliotoxin, which exhibits a diverse array of biologic effects on the immune system. Further, environments contaminated with A. fumigatus may be the cause or enhance respiratory problems in the workers of those specific settings. These species produce specific allergens and mycotoxins that could cause respiratory disorders. Aim of the study - The aim of the present work was to determine the prevalence of Aspergillus section Fumigati by cultural and molecular methods in poultry; swine and bovine; and large animal (bovine and horses) slaughterhouses.


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The presence of filamentous fungi was detected in wastewater and air collected at wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) from several European countries. The aim of the present study was to assess fungal contamination in two WWTP operating in Lisbon. In addition, particulate matter (PM) contamination data was analyzed. To apply conventional methods, air samples from the two plants were collected through impaction using an air sampler with a velocity air rate of 140 L/min. Surfaces samples were collected by swabbing the surfaces of the same indoor sites. All collected samples were incubated at 27°C for 5 to 7 d. After lab processing and incubation of collected samples, quantitative and qualitative results were obtained with identification of the isolated fungal species. For molecular methods, air samples of 250 L were also collected using the impinger method at 300 L/min airflow rate. Samples were collected into 10 ml sterile phosphate-buffered saline with 0.05% Triton X-100, and the collection liquid was subsequently used for DNA extraction. Molecular identification of Aspergillus fumigatus and Stachybotrys chartarum was achieved by real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using the Rotor-Gene 6000 qPCR Detection System (Corbett). Assessment of PM was also conducted with portable direct-reading equipment (Lighthouse, model 3016 IAQ). Particles concentration measurement was performed at five different sizes: PM0.5, PM1, PM2.5, PM5, and PM10. Sixteen different fungal species were detected in indoor air in a total of 5400 isolates in both plants. Penicillium sp. was the most frequently isolated fungal genus (58.9%), followed by Aspergillus sp. (21.2%) and Acremonium sp. (8.2%), in the total underground area. In a partially underground plant, Penicillium sp. (39.5%) was also the most frequently isolated, also followed by Aspergillus sp. (38.7%) and Acremonium sp. (9.7%). Using RT-PCR, only A. fumigatus was detected in air samples collected, and only from partial underground plant. Stachybotrys chartarum was not detected in any of the samples analyzed. The distribution of particle sizes showed the same tendency in both plants; however, the partially underground plant presented higher levels of contamination, except for PM2.5. Fungal contamination assessment is crucial to evaluating the potential health risks to exposed workers in these settings. In order to achieve an evaluation of potential health risks to exposed workers, it is essential to combine conventional and molecular methods for fungal detection. Protective measures to minimize worker exposure to fungi need to be adopted since wastewater is the predominant internal fungal source in this setting.


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Portugal has been the world leader in the cork sector in terms of exports, employing ten thousands of workers. In this working activity, the permanent contact with cork may lead to the exposure to fungi, raising concerns as potential occupational hazards in cork industry. The application of molecular tools is crucial in this setting, since fungal species with faster growth rates may hide other species with clinical relevance, such as species belonging to P. glabrum and A. fumigatus complexes. A study was developed aiming at assessing fungal contamination due to Aspergillus fumigatus complex and Penicillium glabrum complex by molecular methods in three cork industries in the outskirt of Lisbon city.


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Background: Very few studies regarding fungal and particulate matter (PM) exposure in feed industry have been reported, although such contaminants are likely to be a significant contributing factor to several symptoms reported among workers. The purpose of this study has been to characterize fungal and dust exposure in one Portuguese feed industry. Material and Methods: Air and surface samples were collected and subject to further macro- and microscopic observations. In addition we collected other air samples in order to perform real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of genes from Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus complexes as well as Stachybotrys chartarum. Additionally, two exposure metrics were considered â particle mass concentration (PMC), measured in 5 different sizes (PM0.5, PM1, PM2.5, PM5, PM10), and particle number concentration (PNC) based on results given in 6 different sizes in terms of diameter (0.3 μm, 0.5 μm, 1 μm, 2.5 μm, 5 μm and 10 μm). Results: Species from the Aspergillus fumigatus complex were the most abundant in air (46.6%) and in surfaces, Penicillium genus was the most frequently found (32%). The only DNA was detected from A. fumigatus complex. The most prevalent in dust samples were smaller particles which may reach deep into the respiratory system and trigger not only local effects but also the systemic ones. Conclusions: Future research work must be developed aiming at assessing the real health effects of these co-exposures.


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Portugal has been the world leader in the cork sectr in terms of exports, employing ten thousands of workers. In this working activity, the permanent contact with cork may lead to the exposure to fungi raising concerns as occupational hazards in cork industry. A study was developed aiming at assessing fungal contamination due to Aspergillus fumigatus complex and Penicillium glabrum complex by molecular methods in three cork industries in the outskirt of Lisbon city. The chosen fungal species are the ones most frequently associated with respiratory problems in workers from these industries.


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O presente estudo pretende avaliar a exposição ocupacional a contaminação fúngica e bacteriana em quartos de hotel, mais precisamente em dois quartos com características diferentes, nomeadamente, com pavimento em alcatifa e outro sem alcatifa. Doze amostras de ar de 250L foram colhidas pelo método de impacto, em meio agar de extracto de malte (MEA) suplementado com cloranfenicol (0,05%) para fungos e em meio de TSA (agar de soja tríptica) com nistatina (0,2%) para bactérias. Foram também realizadas amostras de superfície nos mesmos locais. Em ambos os quartos apenas uma amostra de ar, no quarto sem alcatifa, apresentou contagens de fungos mais elevadas do que no exterior. No entanto, as concentrações de bactérias no ar interior foram superiores às do ar exterior. Em relação às superfícies, o quarto sem alcatifa apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação ao quarto com alcatifa, sendo que o primeiro apresentou concentrações mais elevadas de fungos. Todas as superfícies analisadas apresentaram contaminação bacteriana, mas não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os quartos. Os géneros de fungos mais prevalentes no ar foram idênticos em ambos os quartos (Penicillium sp. 40,7% - 12,3% e Cladosporium sp. 43,5% - 55,4%). Nas superfícies analisadas, os isolados pertencentes ao complexo Aspergillus fumigatus foram os únicos encontrados no quarto com alcatifa, enquanto no outro quarto os géneros mais prevalentes foram Penicillium sp. (63,6%) e Aspergillus sp. (13,6%).


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O Conselho Cientifico do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa dá continuidade à publicação do Anuário Científico do ISEL com esta edição relativa ao ano de 2002. Os trabalhos científicos, artigos, comunicações, teses e livros, cujos resumos integram este Anuário Científico são reveladores do entrosamento do nosso corpo docente com a comunidade científica (académica e de investigação) e são um indicador da qualidade do trabalho científico e de investigação realizado. A investigação é uma das obrigações da academia. Esta actividade, por envolver o desconhecido e a procura de soluções inéditas, não se coaduna com a imposição de limitações, especialmente quando estas são artificiais. Todos aqueles que para o trabalho de investigação possuam competência devem, em nosso entender, ser estimulados a dar o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento da sociedade. No âmbito do ensino da engenharia, estamos certos que as alterações legislativas em curso no nosso país, se forem orientadas no sentido do incremento da qualidade, terão em conta o real valor de cada instituição e saberão aproveitar o potencial humano, científico e tecnológico do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, quebrando o actual espartilho legal, cerceador de parte da actividade de I&D, que inibe, presentemente, a concessão dos graus académicos de Mestre e Doutor. à nosso entendimento que a faculdade de atribuição, pelas instituições de ensino superior, dos graus de pós-graduação deve ser estabelecida com base em critérios, universais e predefinidos, afiançadoras das competências específicas e garantes da qualidade dos resultados.


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O Conselho Científico do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) dá a conhecer o trabalho científico desenvolvido por esta instituição no ano de 2005 e divulgado em fóruns nacionais e internacionais, através da 5ª edição do Anuário Científico do ISEL. O ISEL tem sabido responder prontamente aos desafios de mudança que as sociedades modernas impõem, a atestá-lo estão a recente formatação de todos os seus cursos ao modelo estabelecido pela Declaração de Bolonha e a criação de novos cursos em áreas emergentes do conhecimento. Uma das maiores preocupações das escolas de engenharia na atualidade diz respeito à escassez de alunos. A algum excesso na oferta de vagas e cursos de engenharia aliam-se a retracção do crescimento da população estudantil e a sua menor apetência por este tipo de formação superior, em especial nas áreas tradicionais. Este problema, que se estende a muitos outros países, faz apelo a uma reorganização do ensino da engenharia no nosso país. Tal reorganização terá de ser feita com rigor, no respeito pelas instituições, baseada em critérios objectivos avaliazadores de competências e procurando a sua complementaridade. O ISEL, consciente de que o cabal aproveitamento das suas competências só é possível no subsistema universitário, optou em 2005, pela sua integração na Universidade de Lisboa (UL). Pensamos que a integração do ISEL na UL, para além de contribuir para a reorganização das escolas de engenharia na área metropolitana de Lisboa, é geradora de novas sinergias, das quais resultará, certamente, um melhor serviço por nós prestado. Estamos convictos de que as opções tomadas são as que melhor servem os interesses do ISEL e do país, continuaremos a fomentar as acções conjuntas com a UL e a dar o nosso melhor contributo à sociedade através da formação de engenheiros qualificados e do incremento das actividades de investigação e desenvolvimento.


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O Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa assume como um dos seus vectores estratégicos de desenvolvimento, a formação avançada e científica dos seus docentes. A divulgação do conhecimento resultante da Ciência, Investigação e Actividade Profissional de mérito reconhecido são indissociáveis e necessários numa sociedade em evolução, sem descurar a vertente pedagógica. O anuário científico referente ao ano 2007, onde se incluem resumos de artigos, comunicações, teses, livros e patentes, constitui um documento de divulgação desta actividade no Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa em parceria com outros Politécnicos, Universidades e Centros de Investigação nacionais e internacionais. As adversidade de todos os que contribuíram para esta publicação, resultantes de um elevado número de horas de leccionação, deslocação para outras instituições a fim de realizarem o seu Doutoramento ou Mestrado, entre outras, não são quantificáveis nem possíveis de condensar neste anuário. A todos aqueles Docentes que alcançaram ultrapassar estas contrariedades é, este anuário científico, uma forma de reconhecimento da sua mais-valia e trabalho.


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Purpose - This study intended to characterize fungal contamination in two swine farms, in one feed production unit, and also in one swine slaughterhouse. We aimed to identify where the highest occupational exposure to Aspergillus spp. was detected during the production line.


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Workers from feed production often develop allergic respiratory symptoms and fungi are likely to be a significant contributing factor to these symptoms. This study intended to characterize fungal contamination in two feed production units, one for poultry and other for swine consumption. We aimed at identifying which unit presented the highest risk of occupational exposure to Aspergillus spp.